suara yomi ini clasic banget,,,sakito sang gutarist yang melody nya yang tak terkalah kan..Hitsugi sang guitarist juga yang alunan gitar nya opera dan swing banget…Ni-ya sang bassis yang tak terkalah kan juga alunan bass nya yang nusuk banget…hahaha….nusuk kemana bu??XD…nusuk ke hati anak - anak….heheheeh…

dan tak terkalah kan juga….Ruka sang drummer yang ketukan drumnya yang masuk banget di lagu naitomea ini….so

maka dari itu band Nightmare ini tidak bisa di samakan dengan band visual kei yang lainnya..So Nightmare gak bisa diremehkan di dunia pemusikan jepang.

jika sedang menjalan kan tugas pekerjaan musik..all personel naitomea menjunjung tinggi profesionalisme,but saat sedang enjoy mereka menjadi musisi jepang yang terpaling - paling konyol tingkah lakunya…walaupun mereka sering LOST CONTROL…hahaha…kawaii ^^

So..buat para pencinta Nightmare..Nightmare telah merilis album baru mereka yang berjudul Majestical Parade.Penasaran dengan lagunya???
Donlot aja dari Luffy

Kaoru is out almost every night playing and singing in front of the station. By day she sleeps, but every morning she sits by the window of her room to watch a young surfer, Koji Fujishiro (藤代 孝治 Fujishiro Kōji), played by Takashi Tsukamoto, who usually waits by a bus stop for his friends before they go surfing each morning. She develops a crush on him from afar.

One night, when she is playing as usual by the train station, she sees Koji. She leaves her guitar and runs after him, knocking him over when she finally catches up to him. She clumsily introduces herself. When her cousin drags her home, they sit by Kaoru's window while they watch Koji meet his friends. Kaoru explains everything, and her cousin notes that she probably goes to the same school as him, and offers to spy on him for her.

Kaoru and Kouji at the bus stop

The next night she sits by the bus stop before going home, and plays a song. Koji arrives on his scooter. Both embarrassed, they start talking and Koji eventually promises to meet her and listen to her sing another night, at the start of the school holidays. When they meet up, another obnoxious street performer has taken her spot. Koji decides to take her to the city, where after seeing the sights, she starts playing in a square. YUI's music video Skyline features this event. A substantial crowd gathers to hear her sing. Afterwards they watch the ocean. Koji asks her out.

Their date, however, ends abruptly as the sun breaks out and Kaoru flees home. Koji is soon informed of Kaoru's condition (her XP) and is set aback. For a while, Kaoru stubbornly refuses to see him, as if her misery would spread to him if they make contact. Remembering her passion to sing, Koji begins working slowly in order to help her compile her own debut single. Her father, out of concern, invites Koji over one night. At dinner, Koji reveals his plans for Kaoru's CD. As they walk home that night, the two begin to talk and Kaoru slowly realizes how much Koji truly cares for her. In an attempt to cheer her up, he pinches her cheeks and exclaims: "What a funny face!"

Kaoru & Kouji playing guitar

As her disease worsens, she loses feeling in her hand and is unable to play guitar. She assures Kōji that this will not change anything, that she still has her voice.

In the studio, she asks her family and friends to leave the room. She smiles and tells them that it will be better to wait for the CD to come out before they hear her song. They reluctantly leave the room and Kōji declares his belief that Kaoru will achieve happiness.

Time passes. As promised, Koji brings Kaoru to the beach to watch him surf. The protective suit she had left hanging for years is finally used. By now she is in a wheelchair. She complains that the suit is getting hot. With a painful expression that fades quickly, Kaoru's father tries to convince her that if she takes off the suit, it can't bother her anymore, that she could run around freely. She declines. With that, she struggles to stand up and limps weakly toward Koji. As she walks, she trips over the sand and Koji rushes to catch her. She catches herself at the last minute, revealing that it was a feint and giggles at his surprised face. In an ironic moment, she grabs his cheeks and exclaims happily, "What a funny face!". Koji smiles weakly.

Finally Kaoru is laid to rest in a coffin full of sunflowers. Koji, Kaoru's friends, and her family listen happily as Kaoru's CD is finally released. In a flashback Kaoru sings with passion; tears begin to fill her eyes as she finishes.

Koji rushes towards the waves, his mind replaying her voice.


Link :

Download dengan Subtittle Indonesia

Bonus :

Deleted Scene

Rabu, 23 September 2009

Kamen rider Decade ost

Bwt penggemar Decade silahkan Unduh ostnya ^^b

Ga usah pake Synopsis ya, cape nulisnya... XP ... Donlot aja ndiri ^^v

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Hanada shounen-shi

Hanada shounen-shi ( 花田少年史 ) Menceritakan seorang anak yang bernama Hanada Ichiro. Bandelnya minta ampun tapi takut hantu ( Obake ) ^^v. Karena dia mengalami kecelakaan dan mendapatkan 9 jahitan di belakang kepalanya, Tiba - tiba saja dia bisa melihat hantu, mahluk yang paling ia takuti dan ia benci. Hantu - hantu tersebut meminta bantuan kepada Ichiro agar dapat mengabulkan permintaan terakhir mereka sehingga hantu tersebut dapat berreinkarnasi kembali....Bagaimana kelanjutan kisahnya???? Donlot aja ndiri ^^v

Senin, 21 September 2009

Evangelion 1.01 You Are (Not) Alone

Cihuuyy....... Link Download Pertama Di jamin Seru....
Download Lah Kan

Jumat, 18 September 2009

Dari Kami Untuk Kalian

Lama kau kutunggu......
kangen aku dengan muw.....
tapi begitu singkat pertemuan kita
ku harus menunggu lagi
tak masalah walau hanya setahun
asalkan masih d beri kesempatan oleh-NYA
selamat tinggal Ramadhan bulan penuh berkah ^^
ku pasti akan merindukanhari hari itu.....
dan selamat datang hari KEMENANGAN...........

Segenap Jajaran Pengurus Asian Besement Community yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru negeri dan di Jepang *lebay sdh ini* mengucapkan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H
Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

Sebelas bulan kita kejar dunia
kita umbar napsu amarah
sebulan penuh kita gelar puasa
kita bakar segala dosa.
Sebelas bulan kita sebar dengki dan prasangka,
sebulan penuh kita tebar kasih sayang sesama.
Dua belas bulan kita berinteraksi penuh salah dan khilaf
Di Hari suci nan Fitri ini, kita cuci hati, kita buka pintu maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin


Buat kamu2 khususnya anak2 ABC yang kreatif dan punya banyak ide dan bisa mengharumkan nama bangsa *Lebay Mode ON* ^^
Intinya Punya basic d bidang jurnalis atau desain Layout.....
Daftar Gih..... caranya Wall aja k FB "Roronoa D Zoro" or group "ABC"
NB: melayani via SMS ^^v

Kamis, 17 September 2009

Buka Puasa Bareng

Ramadhan Bersama ABC SERUUUUUUU............. ^^



Pose Standar
